Glad to be Rejected on Facebook
I’ve never understood what proselytizing was.
The admin who removed my post (and later kicked me out of the group) told me that merely quoting Søren Kierkegaard is an act of proselytizing.
I was quoting the guy who started existentialism in a group named “Existentialism” (!).
There were no quotes about accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior or anything like that.
Just a quote from the guy considered to be the father of existentialism (according to the atheist, Jean Paul Sartre).
“Man instinctively protects himself against truth and spirit by raising a cloud of numbers.”
— Søren Kierkegaard
Is this dumping religion on people ?
Embedded in the picture I posted along with the quote was a flip observation I made that reverses an aged piece of advice :
Sometimes an ounce of cure is worth a pound of prevention.
So be ready to take a chance.
Again, if you heard that in a sermon would you be like, “oh, it’s the altar call right here” ?
I ask people that if you find something you like, whether it is moral or ethical to hide what you discovered from others.
I haven’t gotten a serious answer to this question. The responses are more like “don’t know, don’t care”.
People can tell they are dismissing something, but they don’t see how it a chance to find meaning in their own lives personally.
To them, if it’s not a way to gain validation from others or pleasurable, then what good could it possibly be ?
Will my friends like me more if I’m on good terms with heaven ? Probably not.
You can’t tell how deep the ocean goes by looking at the surface.
What got me back into facebook was the exhilaration of getting rejected because the world can smell Jesus approaching them from a mile away and they are ready to reject anything that resembles it.
That and Jesus saying “blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.” (Matthew 5:11 ESV).
I haven’t known that blessing in a long time, and how I have missed it !
Religiously it is true that those who are rejected by the world for following Christ will be rewarded by Christ personally. The same thing also true spiritually : the person who aspires to greatness is going to be rejected by the crowd.
God will reward those who serve Christ some day in heaven, but its just as true that he rewards His servants today on the earth inwardly and in many ways. “Today is the day of salvation”.
Maybe some day I will be like the students at Columbine who confessed their faith and were rejected to the point of being pushed off the stage of life by the world.
But those who believe only fall asleep to awaken.
I’m not worthy of such a gift, but God deposits kindness where He will and not on the basis of elementary principles or systematic thinking.
“Or who has given a gift to him that he might be repaid?”
Romans 11:35 ESV
Friends, if God offers you something good, then be sure to accept it.