Stop Diluting the Truth

Micah Hoover
3 min readJul 20, 2024


How much truth do you want in your life ?

If you were being totally honest with yourself, how much truth would you want ?

Why would you want to water it down ? For yourself or someone else ?

If you wouldn’t hide a public danger from someone, then why hide any truth ?

I see a lot of people who accuse the truth they do not like as being “fear based” … as if certain emotions were good and some were bad.

Which emotions are the bad ones again ?

Usually when I ask that question, people sober up and admit that all emotions are good … it’s how we respond to them that determines their quality.

But if that’s true, then we shouldn’t divide the truth into “fear based” truth and “non fear based truth”. Which should accept it to the full extent of our personal understanding.

Dostoyevsky wrote extensively about how people fail because of all the occasions where they lie to themselves.

Do you want this to be your story ?

You can be as straight with yourself as you want to be.

One way people weasel out of a difficult to accept truth is to say it is figurative.

For example, that hell (a place Jesus mentioned over 70 times) is a figurative place that represents a mental attitude people settle for in their lives.

As if every negative outcome were just a line of poetry.

It’s like this:

Jail is a state of mind and a literal place you can go.

Hell is like that.

How many levels of the truth do you want to acknowledge ?

How much of life do you want to learn from ?

Neutrality and innocuous words are a poor defense against mediocrity.

Instead of trying to build an identity on empty passivity, choose to commit to something and let the truth be how you choose to view it.



Micah Hoover
Micah Hoover

Written by Micah Hoover

Micah Hoover is a student of life, a follower of Jesus, a happy husband, a dad of three wonderful kids, a software developer, and writer.

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