Top 5 Memes About Human Fantasy

Micah Hoover
2 min readJun 15, 2024

Human beings love to fuss about things that only exist in their own brains and seldom see how detached they are from these ideas they nurse or how impersonal they are.

Here are 5 memes to remind you about how human thinking actually works.

In some respects the bizarro esthetics of Las Vegas and Hollywood grow dull in seconds, but beauty of nature endures.

Pointing to the enduring love of the One who created it.

Glossy phones and social validation does not a happy life make.

But “God is not far from any of us.”

God never forgets the greatness He longs for us to show, something that the masses try to forget about as soon as the thought hits them.

There’s nothing wrong with emotions or thinking or any of the other itch scratching pursuits people chase after, but don’t forget faith can save you.

I frequently see the people who have no familiarity with the Bible make the flimsiest (or outright false) claims about it.

Get personal with the Bible. Store it in the reserves of your heart.

Then share with the rest of us what you have gained from it.



Micah Hoover

Micah Hoover is a student of life, a follower of Jesus, a happy husband, a dad of three wonderful kids, a software developer, and writer.