Trump and the Divine Right of … Presidents ?

Micah Hoover
3 min readNov 6, 2024


The prophet Daniel wrote about God saying :

“He controls the course of world events;
he removes kings and sets up other kings.”
Daniel 2:21 NLT

“The person that a bullet missed his head by this much is now the next president of the United States again. Okay. I’m sorry but if you don’t believe in God it’s time to start thinking about it really a lot. Like like real strong.” — Ben Shapiro

James I is often remembered by historians for telling his subjects about how kings are there because God chose for them to be there.

Can the same thing be said for the leader in a republic or a democracy ?

Humanly speaking, this seems absurd.

The Greeks thought of democracy as another way to refer to mob rule, and its hard to associate the atrocities committed by the mob with heaven.

On the other hand, just because the mob refuses to listen to heaven, it doesn’t mean that heaven has not set limits on the mob.

And it doesn’t mean heaven doesn’t have the power to change the tides of a general election.

One of my biggest surprises in reading a biography on the life of Joan of Arc (even though it was written by a skeptic, Kathryn Harrison) is how much God intervened in the Hundred Years war.

“I am sent by God to raise the siege of Orléans, to crown the rightful King of France, and to give heart to the people.”
 ― Joan of Arc

I keep seeing reminders of how God cares so much more about what is going on inside a person personally, and I wondered why God would choose to intervene in something as impersonal as a war to change the direction of the war.

And I think it’s important to remember that while God remains in control in all scenarios (the ones we would prefer and the ones we would not), the direction of the government affects you and me, and He does intervene.

The odds of Donald Trump surviving the gunshot he received in Butler Pennsylvania seems very low to me. A slight turn of the head would have done him in, humanly speaking.

“He controls the course of world events;
 he removes kings and sets up other kings.”
 Daniel 2:21 NLT

So even though Trump seems to (on the surface) have been selected (or re-selected) by the American people to rule the nation, we see this little reminder that God could have easily stopped it from happening.

Ben Shapiro made an frank observation around 4 am on November 6 as the networks started calling the election for Trump.

Odds are that Donald Trump could have very easily have not survived the attempt on his life at the Butler Pennsylvania rally.

“The state of monarchy is the supremest thing upon earth; for kings are not only God’s lieutenants upon earth, and sit upon God’s throne, but even by God himself are called gods.”
 ― James I

If you are living like there is no God, or if you are acting like He is disinterested in what is happening down here with us, this would be the time to reconsider.

The Bible calls this reconsidering process meta noia in the Greek, literally changing your mind.

Don’t let this learning opportunity slip you by.

Do yourself a favor and find out about what God has to offer you and what He asks of you.

And remember this claim from Jesus Christ :

“Everyone who seeks, finds.”



Micah Hoover
Micah Hoover

Written by Micah Hoover

Micah Hoover is a student of life, a follower of Jesus, a happy husband, a dad of three wonderful kids, a software developer, and writer.

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